Looking at making a move with your children and/or pets? Here are some simple tips to help you with the process:

An image of a young girl and a Beagle pup. The puppy is licking the young girl's face.

1) Prepare Ahead Of Time

An image of a To-Do-List laying on a wooden surface, with a full cup of coffee to the left.

Start a discussion with your kids, especially the younger ones, about the move. This gives them time to wind down, figure out the new situation and accept change. Have a question and answer style session with them. All of this helps with the transition! Moving day can be a very challenging day for young kids who aren't adequately prepared.

2) Visit The Neighbourhood

An image of kids enjoying the Yorkton Splash Park.

Take the kids and pets to parks around the new place. Let them see how much fun the new area has to offer! If there's a dog park, you have an excellent opportunity to socialize your dog and meet other dog owners. Just like kids (and you too!), dogs can be better eased into new situations with good social interaction.

3) Get The Kids To Help

An image of a school-aged girl bringing a moving box into an empty home. Her parents stand in the background, also carrying moving boxes.

Give your children age-appropriate tasks to help with the move. Let them carry the pillow box, or put them in charge of taping up some of the smaller boxes. This gives them some ownership of the move and control of their changing circumstances. And if the process is both exciting and fun, it's a memory they will carry well into adulthood.

4) Hire A Sitter

An image of a young baby and a male young adult. The male oversees the baby while the baby plays with their blocks.

Alternatively, you may need to hire a sitter if your child is too young, or if your pet needs special attention. This is more for your safety and the consideration of your child's or pet's mental health. For young kids, especially those without object permanence, the changing environment and in-and-out nature of moving is too overwhelming. For dogs, the back and forth motions can be confusing and overwhelming, which can end up with your dog constantly under-foot. This can then be physically hazardous to both you and your dog. For cats, their space being constantly moved around and changed is too stimulating. Inappropriate urination and distant behaviour may occur. In these cases, having someone to look after all of them is recommended.

5) Reward Everyone's Hard Work

An overhead image of a dinner table. Two people in particular can be seen over their plates: one getting ready to eat, and the other reaching for a side dish.

This tip goes for your friends, your parents, your kids, your sitter, you and everyone else who helped you move! Share a meal at the end of the process. Moving pressures can escalate tension and leave everyone feeling exhausted. It's important to lighten the mood after such a serious event, and thank the people involved. Nothing says this better than food! You may even want to offer a cold beer or glass of wine to your adult helpers for a job well done. Sharing the meal together strengthens everyone's bond to one another. Remember, it doesn't have to be fancy either. Sometimes, time constraints, exhaustion and budget are huge factors. Even sharing some sandwiches, or take-out together means just as much as a prepared meal. You've gotten through it! Celebrate!

Posted by Admin Staff on


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