Moving is exhausting! It's especially exhausting if you're a procrastinator. However, we've got the tips that'll turn this task from daunting to launching! That is, to say, our tips will make your move much more efficient:

1) Create a Schedule for Packing
As soon as you have a general date of when you'll move, start developing a packing schedule - trying to stick to it as much as possible. There is no perfect schedule, you just have to find what works best for you. This could be packing 3-4 boxes each day, or you blocking a certain number of full days for packing. Another good schedule to create is one of moving-related tasks, like transferring utilities and changing your address with the post office and other services. If you have all of your tasks written down in one place, you're more likely to accomplish them!
2) Take the Time To Organize Your Present Home
Before you begin packing, take the time to organize the rooms in your current home. Quick actions, like arranging your clothes in the closet and placing all the dishes in their proper cabinets, will help keep you organized. Then, once your start packing items, you won’t have out-of-place items that end up in the wrong box. Start organized, stay organized.
3) Declutter the Box As You Pack
We’re all guilty of hoarding items because we have an emotional attachment toward them, or want to save them for our future Pinterest project. This means more to pack, move, and unpack. Will they truly have a space at your new place?
As you pack, ask yourself this question when coming across items that you no longer use or need. Instead, either donate or sell these items. If you have enough of them, host a yard/garage sale to help offset your moving costs. It'll all be worth it when you have the proper room for the things in your new house that you actually need.
4) Pack in Advance
The key to an organized move is to start packing in advance. Even if you think that you don’t have much to pack, start packing as much in advance as you can, because everyone always has more items than they realize. Always! It's easy to start with seasonal items such as holiday décor and out-of-season clothing. Or, you might start with entertainment items, like books, videogames, consoles and movies. It’s better to be ahead with a packing schedule than to be frantically packing the night before moving day.
5) Use a Colour Coding System
Colour coding your boxes are an easy way for people (not just you) to quickly determine where boxes should be unloaded in your new house. Assign contrasting colors to all your rooms, so that the corresponding boxes can be placed in their new rooms without you needing to supervise them coming off of the truck. Create a "Legend", or "Master List" that tells everyone what the colours mean at a glance. Tape the list to the front door, or somewhere near the the vehicle that's unloading your boxes.
6) Pack According to Rooms
Try packing items based on how they'll be used in your new home. If your children will have separate rooms in your new house for example, pack their items separately. By taking these few extra minutes to pack, you'll save a couple of hours when it comes to unloading - not to mention eliminating the possibility something being lost if it was placed in another box based on similar-type-items.
7) Snap a Pic of Electronic Set Ups
Setting up electronics the first time can be frustrating. Save yourself the headache and put your phone to use! Take clear photos of your surround sound, computer, and other electronic set-ups from front and back. You can reference these when you go to hook everything up in your new home. To avoid losing any wires or screws, place each item’s accessories in a labeled bag, and keep all those bags in one box so that you can easily find them when unpacking.
8) Confirm Your Movers
Two weeks before moving, call everyone that is assisting you to confirm their availability on moving day. Give your friends, family or movers the appropriate heads up in case something comes up for them. Remind them the week of moving day, as well as a prep text the night before the big move. We all have hectic schedules (thanks, life), and we can sometimes get our engagements tangled up. If you have highly organized friends/family, or are using professional movers, the call two weeks before moving is sufficient.
We hope these tips help you with your move. Good luck, and remember your end result - HOME <3
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