Is it blasphemous for us to talk about winter while it's still autumn? Well, while we don't want to think about the cold right now, maybe it's a good idea for you to think a season ahead. With some restrictions back in place, it may be a good idea to assess your living situation and how it works in our current world situation. Here are 5 ways you can make user friendly adjustments in your home before winter, without completing expensive renovations or moving:

1) Create Multi Purpose Rooms
The demand for multipurpose rooms and furniture has increased sizably since the start of the pandemic. Obviously the most notable space people are opting for is an office. As more people work remotely, homes are adapting to accommodate the work-from-home lifestyle. Reading nooks are changed to tabletop desks, bookshelves are boasting more financial papers, and computers are stationed on more surfaces. With work coming home, people need a place to let off some steam. To bypass the closure of gyms, home gyms are on the rise. Heated (and well-ventilated) garages are being turned into functioning work out rooms. The space in a garage offers a wide open, hard surfaced area that you can utilize for cardio and muscle toning. All it takes is a rug or two, a shelf for your weights and possibly a tv stand for your virtual workouts! For those without garages or large enough garages, the basement is a great second option.
2) Stay in the Kitchen
Cooking and baking skills are a necessity, no matter who you are or what your gender is. Perhaps this winter would be a good time for you to practice. use the extra dollars in your budget this month to splurge on a bread maker, air fryer, pressure cooker or other small kitchen appliance. Depending how restrictions affect restaurants in this last quarter, you may spend less on take-out. And, who knows? maybe you'll find you have a real passion for making bread!
3) Rearrange the Furniture
Creating a multi purpose room may require you to move some furniture around. Or, perhaps the multi-purpose furniture is why the room needs rearranging! In any case, things like shelving, desks, fireplaces and electronics all need proper space from your other house items. Effectively planning out your rooms, or new multi purpose rooms, will save you from space-creating renovations and the cost that comes with them.
4) Re-think Your Home Entertainment
Is the theatre no longer an option for you? Maybe it's time to put some money towards your home entertainment system. Surround sound, larger monitor, console streaming services and/or a dual purpose PC are all options you should consider when upgrading your entertainment centre. Family nights can be cozy and enjoyable again, not cramped or hard to hear.
5) Upgrade Your Wifi
Everyone's need for wireless internet is rising. The kids are using more online applications for school, you and your spouse may be using it more for work and recreation, and even your house has some smart applications tied into the power of the internet. Before winter hits, you might want to look at upgrading your internet package. Or, if money is tight, consider "boosters". These are simple devices that plug into any outlet, boosting the signal from your existing router. Your provider will be able to give you specific details and pricing.
Overall, there are always steps you can take to make your home more functional for your lifestyle, even during our current global situation. Of course, if none of these options work for you, you may have to consider giving us a call to help you find a home that will work for you. We'll help you as fast as we can...after all, winter is coming!
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