What are the holidays without Christmas cheer? If you're looking for games to add into your family traditions, you've come to the right place! Here's a top ten list of fun family Christmas games you can use for any get together:

1) Christmas Guess Who
Bring this family favourite to your holiday gatherings! Create cards with holiday-related questions like, "Who has played the role of Santa in our family the most?" or, "Who has celebrated the most Christmases?" Have a stack of family photos showcased, so that each person can match up the question with the photo. Once solved, hang them from a Christmas-themed picture string for a festive holiday memory!
2) Christmas Would You Rather
Find out how your family and friends answer Christmas themed hypothetical questions! Create controversial ones for the ultimate heated debate. For a list of pre-made questions, head to this free printable from Momof6 .
3) Christmas Song Pictionary
Make songs visual with this themed game of Pictionary! Create a stack of cards with Christmas/Winter songs, and let the artistry begin. Remember: no singing! For a list of song titles, click here.
4) Lump of Coal Plastic Wrap Game
If you're not familiar with the original Plastic Wrap Game, it's a Christmas game that's gone viral in the last couple of years. You can watch it on YouTube . For a fun twist, you can add Coal Cards. These coal cards present fun challenges, so that the game isn't all snacks and prizes. Head over to playpartyplan for instructions and challenge ideas.
5) Jingle Bell Toss
Bring back college Beer Pong by playing Jingle Bell toss! This is a great adult game to engage in. It's easy to set up, get the instructions at PlaygroundParkbench.
6) Christmas Family Feud
Everyone loves a friendly game of Family Feud! Why not play it over the Christmas season? Find a list of premade questions and game instructions at PlayPartyPlan.
Rudolph Race
This is adapted from the hit TV show, "Minute To Win It". Each player gets a red pom pom and a spoonful of vaseline. Players have to race to be the first person to put a red pom pom on Rudolph’s nose (make sure to put a bit of vaseline on his nose as well) on the other side of the room. Rudolph can simply be a paper cut out, if you wish. To play, players must dip their nose into the spoonful of vaseline, then get the red pom pom to stick to the vaseline on their nose. Once the red pom is on their nose, they must move across the room and stick it to Rudolph’s nose. The catch? No hands! Players cannot use their hands at any time.
8) Sock Guessing Game
Make your guests guess what's in each Christmas sock. Each sock (choose how many you'd like to do, corresponding with the amount of prizes you're giving away) is stuffed with 20-25 items that are used or seen during the Christmas season. These can be useful items such as scotch tape, ornaments, wrapping paper, etc. Otherwise, they can be decorative or other festive items. Each sock should have the same items if you fill it up with multiple items for a challenge, and the opening should be tied with a ribbon so the contents inside aren’t visible. Pass the socks around to each person so they can try to feel and guess the items. Then they write down what they think is in the sock. The person with the most correct guesses of objects is the winner, and can be awarded a separate special gift or token.
9) Oven Mitt Challenge
This is a great add on to opening presents! If your family is too quick when it comes to opening their presents, challenge them with this fun game. Everyone opening a present must wear a pair of oven mitts. Simple, right? For the first person to open their gift while wearing oven mitts, give them a prize.
10) Ginger Face
This is a good game for the kids! Place a gingerbread cookie on their forehead while they are looking up to the ceiling. Without using their hands, they must shimmy the cookie down to their mouth to bite it before it falls off of their face. For an extra challenge, set a timer so that they have a time limit. Watch the hilarious facial expressions commence!
That's it for our Christmas game ideas, we hope you have a happy, safe holiday season. Be well, and be happy!
- The C21 Yorkton team
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